Sunday, September 06, 2015


Welcome back to a brand new school year! I am excited to be teaching the grade 7 class this year. If you ever need to contact me you can do so using my school e-mail, or call me at the school 705-445-0811 ext. 57401. I always do my best to respond/call you back as soon as I am able. If it is an emergency, please contact the office directly and they will call straight to the class.

Please check with your son/daughter this week, as much documentation will be coming home with them in the first week.  We do use an agenda program in our class and it would be wonderful if you have a moment each night to check in with the agenda note for the day and check for any important forms, that are needing to be returned to the school.  Then if you could please initial that you've seen the agenda, whether blank, or with a note, that will enhance our home-to-school communication.

So far this year our gym days are days 1 and 3.  I will be sending home a newsletter that speaks to proper gym clothes, our classroom discipline plan, among other important items.

I look forward to this 2015-2016 school year and will try to update this blog page as often as possible. Please check our Classroom Calendar link and Admiral Calendar link for all upcoming events and details.

Here's to a great year ahead!

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